

  • Python 3 with packages NumPy and SciPy

  • PyTorch : version>= 1.5

  • PyKeops : version>= 1.5


In order to have a working version of PyKeOps, it may be necessary to install and upgrade Cmake to Cmake>=3.18 as discussed here.


Using pip

In a terminal, type:

pip install sisyphe

On Google Colab

The easiest way to get a working version of SiSyPHE is to use the free virtual machines provided by Google Colab.

  1. On a new Colab notebook, navigate to Edit→Notebook Settings and select GPU from the Hardware Accelerator drop-down.

  2. Install PyKeops with the Colab specifications first by typing

    !pip install pykeops[colab]
  3. Install SiSyPHE by typing

    !pip install sisyphe

From source

Alternatively, you can clone the git repository at a location of your choice.

Testing the installation

The following test function will check the configuration and run the simulation of a system of body-oriented particles (see the example gallery). This simulation uses the main features of the SiSyPHE library: a complex system, nontrivial boundary conditions, a sampling-based interaction mechanism, the blocksparse reduction method and a nontrivial initial condition. Moreover, this model is theoretically well-understood which provides a theoretical baseline to check the accuracy of the output of the simulation.


This function is mainly intended to be runned on a GPU. Running this function on a CPU will take a long time! See below for a quick testing procedure.

In a Python terminal, type

import sisyphe

On a fresh environment, it should return

Welcome! This test function will create a system of body-oriented particles in a ``milling configuration'' (cf. the example gallery). The test will be considered as successful if the computed milling speed is within a 5% relative error range around the theoretical value.

 Running test, this may take a few minutes...

 Check configuration...
[pyKeOps] Initializing build folder for dtype=float32 and lang=torch in /root/.cache/pykeops-1.5-cpython-37 ... done.
[pyKeOps] Compiling libKeOpstorch180bebcc11 in /root/.cache/pykeops-1.5-cpython-37:
       formula: Sum_Reduction(SqNorm2(x - y),1)
       aliases: x = Vi(0,3); y = Vj(1,3);
       dtype  : float32
[pyKeOps] Compiling pybind11 template libKeOps_template_574e4b20be in /root/.cache/pykeops-1.5-cpython-37 ... done.

pyKeOps with torch bindings is working!


 Sample an initial condition...

 Create a model...

 Run the simulation...
[pyKeOps] Compiling libKeOpstorch269aaf150e in /root/.cache/pykeops-1.5-cpython-37:
       formula: Sum_Reduction((Step((Var(5,1,2) - Sum(Square((((Var(0,3,1) - Var(1,3,0)) + (Step(((Minus(Var(2,3,2)) / Var(3,1,2)) - (Var(0,3,1) - Var(1,3,0)))) * Var(2,3,2))) - (Step(((Var(0,3,1) - Var(1,3,0)) - (Var(2,3,2) / Var(4,1,2)))) * Var(2,3,2))))))) * Var(6,16,1)),0)
       aliases: Var(0,3,1); Var(1,3,0); Var(2,3,2); Var(3,1,2); Var(4,1,2); Var(5,1,2); Var(6,16,1);
       dtype  : float32

 Check the result...

 SiSyPHE is working!

The core functionalities of the library are automatically and continuously tested through a GitHub workflow based on the module sisyphe.test.quick_test. The testing functions include basic computations on simple examples (computation of simple local averages in various situations) and small scales simulations. Note that unlike the function sisyphe.test_sisyphe(), these testing functions do not check the accuracy of the output of the simulations but only check that the code runs without errors. It is possible to use the Pytest package to run these tests manually: on a Python terminal, type

import pytest
from sisyphe.test import quick_test
retcode = pytest.main([quick_test.__file__,])